Glebe House is a therapeutic community that helps men transition to a life free from addiction.
Our mission is to provide an inclusive, personalised service where men are treated with compassion and respect.
Treatment assists clients to:
» Address their addiction issues
» Develop healthy relationships
» Build the capacity for independent living
» Reintegrate as productive members of the broader community
Glebe House provides treatment for men with complex needs, including substance dependency, secondary addictions, dual diagnosis and complex trauma, including physical, psychological and sexual abuse.
The program is holistic in nature: yoga, Pilates,art therapy, sport, recreation and social activities are included in the structured timetable, as well as the requirement for clients to attend two 12-Step fellowship meetings per day. In addition, psychological counselling helps clients explore their underlying emotional issues and develop self-awareness. Group work addresses negative thinking and behaviour and enables men to better cope with emotions and the challenges of life on a daily basis.
Glebe House clients commit to a structured program of recovery, reinforced by an immersive experience in the 12-Step fellowships, working with a sponsor, developing vital support networks. It is a design for living clean and sober.
For many men, Glebe House is the first real alternative to a life of addiction and crime. In response to the level of trust and freedom granted program residents, men establish a personal program of recovery for themselves, taking on responsibility and enjoying hope for a better future.
The Glebe House Family provides ongoing, open-ended support for men in recovery. The Outreach Community grows yearly, its members benefiting from continued support while giving back to the House and residents through mentorship. Glebe House promotes building healthier relationships, giving and receiving love. It is about connection and community.