A safe place for change
Glebe House provides treatment for men seeking freedom from addiction.

The treatment assists clients to:
» Address their addiction issues
» Develop healthy relationships
» Build the capacity for independent living
» Reintegrate as productive members of the broader community
The Journey Home
For many men, Glebe House is the first real alternative to a life of addiction and crime. In response to the level of trust and freedom granted program residents, men establish a personal program of recovery for themselves, taking on responsibility and enjoying hope for a better future.
Glebe House is here to help you on the path to recovery.
We are discreet and will discuss your needs in strict confidence.
For admissions simply call (02) 9566 4630
When I finally surrendered the staff at Glebe House were there for me. I trusted them and took on what they said. Now, I feel like I’m responsible for my own recovery, for my life. I’ve finally grown up
Tuesday nights are amazing: it’s like a fellowship within the fellowship, the best meeting I do all week. I really connect with the other guys, it’s special, a family
“If it hadn’t been for Glebe House I would be back in jail, for sure. It’s still hard but I’m getting a routine, making progress I suppose. I have some hope.”
I owe my life to Glebe House; literally because they saved my life, but also because they helped me find a meaningful life to live. I am so grateful!
I felt safe to talk about some pretty heavy stuff in my life as a kid. The staff never judged me. I felt respected.